Who are you?

I am random_k, the owner of the random_k Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@random_k

Will this website always be ad-free?

I will strive to keep this website ad-free for as long as possible. As of now, the cost of running the server is not a significant financial burden for me, so you won't see any ads on this website. However, if the traffic to this website increases substantially in the future (which I doubt it will), I may add one or two banner ads.
You can always donate to help me keep my YouTube channels and this website going.

Why do some lyrics have album covers while others have YouTube thumbnails?

I edited the lyrics with YouTube thumbnail, I will publish the lyrics for a song once I finish its line distribution video.
The lyrics with album covers are from the volunteer supporters, if they edited the lyrics based on my old YouTube videos, then it might also have a YouTube thumbnail as the cover.

How can I become an editor?

At the moment, only supporters who have donated more than $10 in their lifetime can become editors. However, in the future, it may be possible for anyone to apply to become an editor. Stay tuned for any updates on this.

What is the relationship between this website and randomk.me?

While randomk.me is where my supporters make their requests, randomklyrics.com is focused solely on providing color-coded lyrics. However, both websites share the same database. If I add social features like commenting to this website in the future, they will share the same user account.

Can I use the lyrics and translations from your website?

The lyrics themselves are not owned by me, so you are free to use them as you wish. As for translations credited to someone@randomk, those are the work of our translators. As long as you are not using them for competing content, such as lyrics websites/apps, lyrics videos, or line distribution videos, you may use them as you please, with proper credit. This also applies to the final statistics data from my line distribution videos.